3 Tips to jump-start your real estate website traffic and leads

Adriaan Grové
2 min readJun 13, 2017


Estate agents regularly asks us how they can be less dependent on property portals for leads. My advice? Take a long term view and invest in your own real estate website to jump-start traffic & leads:

With a responsive website, content is programmed to fit on different screen size devices without compromising functionality.
  1. Get a responsive real estate website. This allows clients to have a consistent experience of your website on all their devices plus Google loves responsive websites. Make sure your real estate website is super fast to keep the attention of your visitors and provide a superior browsing experience.
  2. Focus on hyper local real estate advertising. Take a long term view and invest in your own Search Engine Optimization by producing unique content for your website. Write about local events, and set up evergreen content articles (content that does not expire in the short term, e.g. suburb or estate profiles). You can also use this Google hack to assist you with what people frequently search on in a particular area.
  3. Set aside a small budget for Google Adwords real estate advertising. It is an excellent way of getting to the top of Google for smaller local property suburb searches. You can also promote posts on your Facebook agency page and target people in the suburb.

What else makes an impact? All the small little things that boosts the quality of listings and your brand including high quality property photos, a professional logo and social media profiles where you interact with clients. Social proof is another way to get word of mouth referrals online, so try and get clients to rate your business or service. Ensure you have property alerts and a basic newsletter going — email marketing is very much still alive!

Lastly, you need to ask yourself: How is my agency and service different to my competitors? What is the magic in your real estate business?

Maybe it is time for you to make the JUMP?



Adriaan Grové

I’m the CEO of www.entegral.net, I love working with my remote team to solve real estate problems. Questions everything.