Slow kills your (real estate) business

Adriaan Grové
2 min readSep 27, 2017


If there is one thing I’ve learned in all the years working with real estate agents, is that slow response to customer queries kills your real estate business.

Why? Because these days, most buyers will :

  • make an enquiry to more than one property on a property portal in a single browsing session, and usually different agencies;
  • want instant feedback in the new on-demand economy we live in;

The agent that responds 1st using the preferred contact medium of choice from the client (phone, social media, email )will win their business.


Some possible solutions I can think of includes:

  • Setup email auto-responders, to let potential clients know you’ve received their message and will get back to them asap. Most email programs can do this including our PremiumMail accounts. These accounts provide up to 25GB of space per mailbox too, so you can store all your leads and sync them across devices with an IMAP protocol setup.
  • Setup Zapier auto responders.
  • Setup a dedicated call center for your agency.
  • Implement a quality insurance schedule, that will do spot checks to test the response times of your agents.
  • Have your listing system track response times (we are busy with some awesome upgrades on our systems to help business owners with this).

It is important to experiment and see what works for your business. No estate agency is the same. Jeff Bezos from Amazon said:

“Our success at Amazon is a function of how many experiments we do per year, per month, per week, per day….”

Final thoughts: By the way, a slow website will ALSO kill your real estate business. We are passionate about building highly optimized, responsive real estate websites. We offer month-to-month contracts and can setup websites in 2 to 4 weeks, including listing syndication feeds to paid and free portals. If you are a real estate business owner, talk to us to improve your web presence.

Did Roberta Flack made an enquiry on one your property listings??? ;)



Adriaan Grové
Adriaan Grové

Written by Adriaan Grové

I’m the CEO of, I love working with my remote team to solve real estate problems. Questions everything.

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