Speed to lead wins in real estate: Inman 2018 Day 1 highlights

Adriaan Grové
2 min readJul 18, 2018


Highlights from the Inman Connect 2018 conference day 1:

➡️ Compass Real Estate says they’ve ‘reinvented’ the traditional real estate for sale board. It is round with a light on the corners and a barcode at the bottom you can scan to view the home … and will costs agents $1000… ouch. The real gem is however that it has an electronic beacon that displays the listing info when you are near the house… but you then need their app to use it. Compass has $775 million in funding and signals a new era in real estate, where agents and companies are ‘bought’ with investor funding to grow the company. They have a vision of a massive 20% market share by 2020…which certainly is possible at the rate they are buying existing firms/agents.

Inman audience poll

➡️ An interesting discussion with an experienced agent who enters a completely new market. She advises using video and getting involved in the community…start speaking to people. In order to choose the best agency to join, interview as many brokers as possible. Yes interview THEM (you are their biggest asset), not the other way round. Then get out of your comfort zone (e.g. do video posts). If you are not nervous you are not trying. Authenticity rules and you need patience.

➡️ Speed to lead: agents testified how auto email and text responders help them win more leads. The buyer will most likely enquire on other listings too, so be the 1st to respond to them. One great auto responder example given “I’m just in the middle of something, but let me know when will be a great time to call”.

Slow kills your real estate business, and responding ASAP to leads is the 1st step in winning more clients.



Adriaan Grové

I’m the CEO of www.entegral.net, I love working with my remote team to solve real estate problems. Questions everything.